PlusAFilm ©

Depict Art Ltd (Ingeus & Business Gateway) & Hwdt & Port Na Ba. (LLP)

Background acting summary.


Summary - recent (2002 - 2012).

Contents pages illustrations. 2 x Booklets.

Whale identification. A4 size. Wdcs / Hwdt.

Envelope address label illustration. Hwdt.

Gift card cover illustration. Hwdt.

Microsoft windows. PowerPoint presentations x 2.

Web Home page, Hwdt, Photograph: Silurian.

Clothing design graphic.

Web page illustrations: Rare whale species x 12.

Media - Film theory & Computer Technology. A/Prof publications,& supporting statement.  Info

Perth College. HTML - Introduction Course.  2002-2003.

Perth College. Microsoft Excel '97.  2001-2002.

British Divers Marine Life Rescue - Marine Mammal Medic. The Scottish Sealife Sanctuary, Barcaldin, Oban, Argyll. PA37 1SE. Scotland.  13-03-04.

Tourist Board Training. Wildlife Tourism Training. Corran halls, Oban. 29-04-03.

Recording Financial Transactions. 2007-2008. Dunstaffnage Learning Centre by Oban, Argyll. 05-08-08.

Hwdt. Research Education Conservation.

    - Marine Litter. Resource for secondary schools. CD. (2007).

    - Science paper filing. Marine science.

    - Science paper poster graphics. Whale migration.

Duncan Murrell (Beach workshop - 'Baby blue whale'. Sand sculpture). 30-07-2002.

Jade Bancroft (Marine Litter CD. Photographs). 2007.

Suzi Calderan (Poster graphics).

Peter Stevick. Et al.(Science paper filing).

Field studies. Croig beach / Langamull. 

Library resource filing. Rare species poster.  Sightings - Seal, whales - at ardmor.

Web site editing., 

Depict Art

Deer in the Forest. (Fallow and Red Deer). PC DVD-ROM. Film and Extra Feature of Fallow and Red Deer in the Forest. 45 min.

Deer in the Forest 2. Fallow Deer. DVD video. Film length. 50 minutes. (Currently - clips).  Info


MSc  Computer studies & media technology 2,1.  2004.

BSc (Hons)  Media production and Technology.  1995. Greenwich University, London. Conferred. 2,1.

BSc (Hons) Geology.  1992/1993. Portsmouth University. (Final attendance & award)

HND Computer studies. E.I.H.E. Chelmsford 1987. 


Filming & media studies.

Filmed stock material:  Deer in the forest 2. Fallow deer.  

Available. Info